2015 Renaissance Coach
by Federal Coach Company
The Federal Coach Company has a history in the specialty vehicle industry dating back over a century. Federal is a leader in quality, style, and innovation within the specialty vehicles industry and the Renaissance is the high-end of their product line. The 2015 XTS Renaissance funeral coach is developed as part of the Cadillac Master Coachbuilder (CMC) program, which provides specially equipped XTS chassis for coaches and limousines.
The 2015 design features updated interior and exterior styling. The new design incorporates funeral coach specific needs such as loading of caskets, flowers, and casket trucks. These needs drive roof heights, door opening widths, interior clearances, and many other details. The Renaissance re-uses many parts from the XTS including tail lights, back-up cameras and sensors, door handles, gas filler caps, etc. These parts flawlessly integrate into the coach design.
The new Renaissance styling is intended to combine seamlessly with the Cadillac XTS styling. Exterior lines flow from the OEM panels on the front to the fiberglass coachwork in the rear. The interior design blends Cadillac XTS interior styling with the functional requirements of a funeral coach. The new Renaissance design continues to push the funeral coach market forward with a clean and modern approach to design and full integration of the latest OEM technology.
Federal Coach Company
Industrial Design
Photorealistic Rendering